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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1860
Volume 224, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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Of the State's Capital and Credits as of September 30th, 1860.


Dolls Cts.

Dolls. Cts.

Stock of the Farmers Bank of Maryland,

75,090 00


" Bank of Baltimore, -

174,000 00


" Mechanics Bank of Baltimore,

46,500 00


" Hagerstown Bank, -

25,000 00


" Union Bank of Maryland,

31,800 00


" Central Bank of Frederick,

34,850 00


" Easton Bank of Maryland,

30,000 00


" Commercial and Farmers Bank, -

21,666 66


" Farmers and Merchants Bank,

12,000 00


" Marine Bank of Baltimore,

10,000 00


" Franklin Bank of Baltimore,

7,500 00


468,406 66

" Main stem of Baltimore and Ohio Rail


Road Company,

685,600 00


" Washington Branch Road,

550,000 00


" Baltimore and Fredericktown Turnpike


Road Company, ...



" Baltimore and Yorktown Turnpike road


Company, - -

5,000 00

1,250,600 09

Bonds of the Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal
Companies. -
" Susq. & Tide Water Canal Companies,
Bonds of Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Compa-
nies, on which they pay interest,
Bonds of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co.,

Mortgage of the Northern Central Railway company,
Stock of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad company,
" Union Manufacturing company, -




1,000,000 00
1 92,500 00

72,425 46
10,000 00
1,500,000 00

3,000,000 00
10,000 00

Due from Sheriffs, Collectors, Clerks , Auctioneers
Inspectors, &c., --" - - -


676,836 85


$8,180,768 97



Bonds of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Company,
Loan to the President and Directors of the Potomac

2,000,000 00


Company -

30,000 00


Interest thereon :to 16th May, 1825, - - -

13,280 00


Stock of the Potomac Company, .......

120,444 44


" : Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company,
" Annapolis & Elkridge Railroad Co. -
" Eastern Shore Railroad Company,
" Nanticoke Bridge Company, - -

5,000,000 00
299,378 41
86,862 00
4,333 33


" Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co. -

50,000 00


" Chesapeake Steam Towing Company,
Bonds installed and not installed, exclusive of interest

25,000 00
10,000 00


Due from Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co. for interest,

7,900.561 41


" Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Com-


pany for interest, - - .

95,505 48


" Penitentiary for premium, principal & int.

5,097 36


Stock of the Elkton Bank of Maryland,

10.000 00

15,650,462 43


$23,831,231 40

* Subscribed for deferred Stock of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company
per ch. 180, of 1885, sec. 19.


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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1860
Volume 224, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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