Of Funded Debts contracted ~by the State as of 30^ September, 1860.
Amount of
6 per cent, debt per ch. 310 of 1842..............
30,000 00
6" " " 97 of 1845..............
81,984 15
6 " " 348 of 1846............
21,705 52
133,689 67
For account of State Tobacco Warehouses.
5 per cent, debt per oh. 229 of 1826...............
11,144 22
5 " " 308 of 1834...............
20 000 00
6 " " 300 of 1836...............
8,115 29
39,259 51
For the service of the Maryland Penitentiary.
5 per cent, debt per ch. 165 of 1829...............
1,500 00
For account of Washington Monument in Baltimore,
5 " " 104 of 1827...............
136,908 56
6 " " 105 of 1833...............
44,043 44
5 per cent, sterling debt per ch. 386 of 1838........
2,554,444 44
5 " " converted by ch. 41 of 1847.
703,010 00
3,438,406 44
For account of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
5 per cent, debt per ch. 33 of 1833...............
500,000 00
For account of Baltimore and Washington Railroad,
5 " " 105 of 1827...............
262,500 00
5 " " 46 of 1830...............
132,556 33
5 " " 239 of 1833...............
58,347 13
6 " " 241 of 1834...............
2,000,000 00
6 " " S95 of 1835...............
35,000 00
5 per cent, of sterling debt per ch. 386 of 1838. . . . .
2,088,888 89
5 " " converted by ch. 41 of 1847...
1,168,860 00
Carried Forward.........................