viously registered. (J) Under the column "court," the des-
ignation of the court in which, if naturalized, such naturaliza-
tion was had. (K) Under the column "qualified voter," the
word "yes," if the fact shall appear or be determined by a
.majority of the Board of Registry, or the word "no" if such
fact be not established to the satisfaction of a majority of the
Board. (L) Under the column "date of application," the
month, day and year when the applicant presented himself.
(N) After the answers of the applicant to the questions under
the heads of each and all of the above-mentioned columns have
been properly entered by the officers in his presence in both
Tegisters, and not until then, he shall be asked to sign his
name upon the same line under the column "signature" in
each of them, and shall sign his name, if he can do so. If,
however, he shall state his inability to-do so, or decline to do
so, the officers shall make the entry, "cannot write" or
"declines," as the case may be, in the place for such signa-
ture. The Board of Registry shall be entitled to receive from
the officers having custody thereof the last preceding registra-
tion books, for the purpose of comparison and assistance in
identification, and if any one shall apply for registration, who
appears in such former registry as disqualified, his name shall
be entered in the new registers, but he shall t>e marked "dis-
qualified," unless such grounds of disqualification shall have
Boards en-
titled to pre-
ceding regis-
tration books
been removed. At the end of the day's registry said officers
shall compare the two registers so kept, and cause any errors
in either of them to be corrected, by aid of the entries in the
other, so as to make the same agree where there is any differ-
ence between them. Each of the said officers having the
custody of one of said registers shall then sign his name or
initials immediately under the last name registered under each
letter in the book kept by him, so that no new name can be
added without discovery. The said Board of Registry shall
keep, on blanks to be provided for that purpose by the Board
of Supervisors of Elections, an alphabetical list of the names,
addresses and color of all persons registered, and a separate
list of all persons refused registration, and of all persons
whose names are erased from the registry. In the City of
Correction of
errors in
books at end
of day.
Baltimore, at the end of each session, they shall deliver these
lists to the police officer on duty at the registration office, and
the list shall be delivered by the said officer to the Police
Board, and by the Police Board to the Board of Supervisors of
Elections, in the forenoon of the day following the said sitting.
The Board of Supervisors for the City of Baltimore shall then
Disposal of ex-
tra registra-
tion list.