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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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cause such list to be printed in handbill form, in plain long
primer type, and copies thereof posted within three days after
each session, in such manner that they may be easily read, in
at least ten prominent places in each precinct. Nothing in
this Section 16, or in the preceding Section 15, as hereby re-
enacted with amendments, shall affect the registration in the
counties heretofore made under this Article, nor require the
furnishing of new registry books in the counties, nor in Balti-
more City for the supplemental registration for the municipal
election in 1901, but the registry books now in existence shall
continue to be used as far as practicable, and the provisions of
said Sections 15 and 16, as hereby re-enacted, shall be applied
only to registrations hereafter to be made.

New Section of
Art. 33

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That a new Section be
and the same is hereby added to Article 33 of the Code of
Public General Laws, title "Elections," sub-title "Registra-
tion," to come in after Section 25, and to be known as Section
25 A, such new section to read as follows:
25A. All persons who, prior to the passage of this Act, shall
have vacated or removed from, or have gone with their parents
from the place of their actual abode, domicile, dwelling place
or habitation within this State, and shall have taken a domi-
cile, dwelling place, abode or habitation out of this State, shall

Loss of legal
residence prior
to passage of
this Act.

be conclusively presumed to have thereby intended to abandon
their legal residence in this State, and to have surrendered
their right to registration as legal voters in this State, unless
within thirty days after the passage of this Act they shall go
in person before the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the county
from which they shall have so removed, or before the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Baltimore City, if their removal shall
have been from said city, and make and acknowledge before
such Clerk an affidavit that when they so removed they did not
intend to change their legal residence within the State, but that
they had a fixed purpose to return at a definite time, and that
they intend to return to this State and take up their actual domi- .
cile and habitation therein, on or before six months next pre-
ceding the Tuesday after the first Monday of November next

Affidavit of
legal voter
after removal
from State,
prior to pass-
age of this

succeeding the making of such affidavit. The form of such
affidavit shall be substantially as follows: State of Maryland,
———— County or City of Baltimore, set: I hereby certify
that on this ——— day of ————— , 19 —— , before the sub-
scriber, Clerk of the Circuit Court for - ————— County (or of


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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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