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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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qualified to vote in the precinct at the next election, and per-
sonally applying for registration, shall be registered as qual-
ified voters. 5. The headings to the registry books shall be
so prepared that the registry shall be made alphabetical,
according to the surname of each person applying, and so that
the residence and postoffice address of such persons shall appear
in the first column. The registers shall be ruled and one
name shall be written on each line, but no names shall be
written between the lines. The entries shall be as follows:

Entries of resi-

(A) Under the column residence and postoffice address, the
name and number of the street, avenue or other location of the
dwelling, if there be a definite number, and if there shall not
be a number, or if there shall be duplicate numbers, such clear
and definite description of the place of such dwelling as shall
enable it to be readily ascertained; if there shall be more than
one house at the number given by the applicant as his place
of residence it shall be stated in which house he resides, and
if there be more than one family residing in said house, either
the floor on which he resides or the number or location of the
room or rooms occupied by him shall be stated, every floor
below the level of the street or ground being designated as the
basement, the floor upon the first above such level being des-
ignated as the first floor, and each floor above that as the sec-
ond, or such other floor as it may be; in county precincts it
shall only be necessary to give such general description as may
be sufficient for identification. (B) Under the column "name,"
the name of the applicant, writing the surname first, and full
given or Christian name after. (C) Under the column "age,"
the age of the applicant. (D) Under the column "nativity,"
the State, country, empire, kingdom or dominion, as the facts
shall be. (E) Under the column "color," the words "white"
or "colored," as the case may be. (F) Under the sub-divis-
ions of the general column, "term 6f residence," the period
by day, month or year stated by the applicant. (G) Under
the column "naturalized," the words "yes" or "no" or
"native," as the fact may be. (H) Under the column "date
of naturalization," the date of naturalization, if naturalized.

When natural
izatiou papers
need not be
produced in

No naturalization papers need be produced if a majority of the
Board are satisfied that for three years next preceding the
applicant claiming to be naturalized has been a registered
voter in this State, and has actually voted on such previous
registration; but they shall note his answers to the questions
when and in what court he was naturalized, and also in the
column headed "remarks," where and when he was so pre-


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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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