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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 7   View pdf image (33K)
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In the counties a sufficient number of columns headed
"voted" should be provided to last until the next general
registration, and in all registry books one or more extra
columns should be provided, to be used in case of special
———————— Registers of voters, ———— — precinct or
district, —— ————— ward, —— ————— county (or city.)

Form, for Reg-
istry books in

16. On Tuesday, seven weeks preceding the election to be
held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November,
1896, which shall occur after the enactment of this Article,
each Board of Registry shall meet at the place designated by
its Board of Supervisors of Elections, and shall proceed to
make a general registration of all the voters in its precinct or
district, as the case may be. The proceedings of each Board
of Registry shall be as follows: 1 They shall open the regis-

Time of regis-
tration in Bal-

try in the City of Baltimore at nine o'clock A.M. and con-
tinue in session until nine o'clock P.M. on the Tuesday
aforesaid. In the counties the hours of session shall be from
eight o'clock A.M. to eight o'clock P.M. One of the officers
of registration shall administer to all persons, who shall per-

Time of Regis-
tration i n

sonally apply to register, the following oath or affirmation:
"You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will fully and
truly answer all such questions as shall be put to you touching
your place of residence, name, place of birth, your qualifica-
tions as a voter, and your right as such to register and vote
under the laws of this State." 2. The two officers of regis-
tration designated by the Supervisors to have the custody of
the two registry books, or such of their colleagues as each of
them may respectively ask to temporarily replace him in the
discharge of this duty, shall make the entries therein
required by this Article, and the questions as to
qualifications shall be asked by the other officers of
said Board. 3. The name and age of every applicant
shall be entered in such registry books, and all the facts of
his application shall be therein stated as herein provided,
whether he be entitled to vote or not. If it shall be deter-
mined by the board that he is not a qualified voter in the pre-
cinct, then an entry shall be made in the appropriate column
"no," and a line shall be drawn in red ink through his name
and through all the other entries on the line on which his

Oath of Regis-

name is written, but so that the name and said other entries
shall remain legible, and if qualified, an entry shall be made
in the same column "yes." 4. Only persons constitutionally

Who are legal


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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 7   View pdf image (33K)
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