zens of the United States, above the age of twenty-five years,
residents of the City of Baltimore four years prior to the elec-
tion, each of whom has been assessed with property in the
said city in the sum of five hundred dollars, and who has paid
taxes on the same for two years prior to his election; and the
said members of the Second Branch shall hold their offices for
four years, except as provided in Section 213 of this Article,
and each of them shall be paid a salary of one thousand dollars
per annum, payable monthly.
Present offi -
cials to serve
out terms.
SEC- 2. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act
shall effect the terms of the present senators and members of
the House of Delegates from Baltimore City, but they shall
severally continue to represent the respective legislative dis-
tricts for which they were elected until the end of their terms
respectively as fully as if this Act had not been passed. Nor
shall anything in this Act affect the terms of the members of
the First Branch, nor of the members of the Second Branch of
the City Council, but they shall severally continue to repre-
sent the wards and councilmanic dictricts for which they were
elected until the expiration of their terms respectively as
fully as if this Act had not been passed, nor shall anything in
this Act affect the terms or the jurisdiction of any of the
justices of the peace in and for the City of Baltimore, or other
officials in said city, but they shall be entitled to continue to
discharge their duties and exercise their jurisdiction until
the expiration of their terms as fully as if this Act had not
been passed.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 28, 1901.
AN ACT to enable the Governor of the State of Maryland to
obtain such copies of the population returns of the twelfth
census of the United States as he may deem necessary, and
making provision for the payment of the expense of the
WHEREAS, The Act of Congress, approved March 3, 1899,
entitled "An act to provide for taking the twelfth and subse-
quent censuses," provided in the thirtieth section thereof,
that, upon the request of the Governor of any State, or terri-