eighteenth ward; the present twenty -second ward shall in
future be known and numbered twenty -first ward; the present
twenty-third ward shall in future be known and numbered
twenty-third ward, and the present twenty-fourth ward shall
in future be known and numbered twenty-fourth ward.
657A. The First Legislative District of Baltimore City
shall be and consist of the wards as newly numbered in this
Act from one to eight, both inclusive, as said wards were laid
out under the provisions of the Act of 1898, Chapter 10,
approved February 19, 1898; and the Second Legislative Dis-
trict of Baltimore City shall be and consist of the wards as
newly numbered in this Act from the ninth to the sixteenth,
both inclusive, as said wards were laid out under the provis-
ions of the Act of 1898, as aforesaid; and the Third Legisla-
tive District of Baltimore City shall be and consist of the
wards as newly numbered in this Act from the seventeenth to
the twenty-fourth, both inclusive, as said wards were laid out
under the provisions of the Act of 1898, as aforesaid.
of Legislative
Districts o f
657B. The First Councilmanic District shall be and consist
of the wards as newly numbered by this Act from one to six,
both inclusive, as said wards were laid out under the provis-
ions of the Act of 1898, aforesaid; that the Second Council-
manic District shall be and consist of the following wards, as
newly numbered by this Act, namely: Seventh, eighth, ninth,
twelfth, thirteenth and fifteenth, as said wards were laid
out under the provisions of the Act of 1898, aforesaid; that
the Third Councilmanic District shall be and consist of the
following wards, as newly numbered by this Act, namely:
Tenth, eleventh, fourteenth, sixteenth, nineteenth and
twentieth, as said wards were laid out under the provisions
of the Act of 1898, aforesaid; that the Fourth Councilmanic
District shall be and consist of the following wards, as newly
numbered by this Act: Seventeenth, eighteenth, twenty-
first, twenty-second, twenty-third and twenty-fourth, as
said wards were laid out under the provisions of the Act of
1898, aforesaid.
ment of Coun-
cilmanic D i s -
tricts of Balti-
211. The Second Branch shall consist of nine members, one
of whom shall be the President thereof, and shall possess the
qualifications and be elected as hereinafter provided. The
other eight members shall be elected from four Councilmanic
Districts, two from each district; said district to be established
and fixed as herein defined by this Act. The members of the
Second Branch, excepting the President thereof, shall be citi-
Second Branch
of City Coun-