AN ACT to repeal Sections 657 and 211 of the Acts of 1898,
Chapter 123, entitled "City of .Baltimore," sub-title
"Charter," and to enact in lieu of Section 657 three sec-
tions, to be known as Sections 657, 657A and 657 B, and
to re-enact Section 211, with amendments.
Baltimore City
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 657 and 211 of the Acts of 1898, Chapter
123, entitled "City of Baltimore," sub-title "Charter," be
and the same are hereby repealed; that three sections be and
they are hereby enacted in lieu of Section 657, and to be
known as 657, 657A and 657B and that Section 211 be
re-enacted, with amendments, all of which to read as follows:
of Wards.
657. That the twenty-four wards, into which the City of
Baltimore is now divided, shall be numbered as follows: The
present first ward shall in future be known and numbered
twenty-second ward; the present second ward shall in future
be known and numbered fourth ward; the present third ward
shall in future be known and numbered fifth ward; the pres-
ent fourth ward shall in future be known and numbered third
ward; the present fifth ward shall in future be known and
numbered second ward; the present sixth ward shall in future
be known and numbered first ward ; the present seventh ward
shall in future be known and numbered sixth ward; the pres-
ent eighth ward shall in future be known and numbered seventh
ward; the present ninth ward shall in future be known and
numbered eighth ward ; the present tenth ward shall in future
be known and numbered tenth ward; the present eleventh
ward shall in future be known and numbered ninth ward;
the present twelfth ward shall in future be known and num-
bered twelfth ward; the present thirteenth ward shall in
future be known and numbered eleventh ward; the present
fourteenth ward shall in future be known and numbered
seventeenth ward; the present fifteenth ward shall in future
be known and numbered -fourteenth ward; the present six-
teenth ward shall in future be known and numbered thirteenth
ward; the present seventeenth ward shall in future be known
and numbered fifteenth ward; the present eighteenth ward
shall in future be known and numbered sixteenth ward; the
present nineteenth ward shall in future be known and num-
bered twentieth ward; the present twentieth ward shall in
future be known and numbered nineteenth ward; the present
twenty-first ward shall in future be known and numbered