the bonds shall not be disposed of at less than ninety-five per
cent, of their par value.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all powers conferred and
duties imposed by said Act upon the Commissioners oi
Hyattsville are hereby conferred and imposed upon the Mayor
and Common Council of Hyattsville; all powers and duties
conferred and imposed upon the President of said Commis-
sioners, upon the Mayor; those of the Treasurer and Clerk
respectively of the Commissioners upon the Treasurer and
Clerk respectively of the Mayor and Common Council of
Hyattsville, and all the provisions of said Act in respect to the
exemption of the bonds and coupons from taxation, the sink-
ing fund therefor, the cancellation of bonds purchased, the
payment of the interest on the bonds, and the disposition of
the proceeds thereof, shall apply to the bonds to be issued
under the authority of this Act; provided, however, that
nothing contained in this Act or in the Act to which it is
Transfer o f
power to
Mayor, etc.
supplementary is intended or shall be construed to exempt the
bonds authorized thereby from taxation for State purposes,
and that so much of the said Act of 1900 as authorized such
exemption is hereby repealed.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1901.
Bonds not ex-
empt from
State taxes.
AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to meet the addi-
tional expenses of the legislature of Maryland for the
extraordinary session of nineteen hundred and one.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated
to pay the members and officers of the General Assembly, as
well as all miscellaneous expenses, of said extraordinary
session of nineteen hundred and one.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of the State
shall, on the warrant of the Comptroller, disburse the said
sum of money herein appropriated for the objects, and purposes
herein specified to, or upon the order of the person or persons
entitled to receive the same.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 28, 1901.
for additional
expense o f