SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1901.
AN ACT supplemental to Chapter 216 of the Acts of 1900
entitled "An Act to provide for Water Works at Hyatts-
ville, Prince George's County, and maintenance of the
Water works
same," approved on the seventh day of April, 1900, to make
corrections therein, to ratify an election thereunder, and to
provide for the issue of bonds by the Mayor and Common
Council of Hyattsville.
WHEREAS, By the Act mentioned in the foregoing title the
Commissioners or the Mayor and Common Council of Hyatts-
ville, as the case might be, were empowered to borrow money to
an amount not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, and to issue
coupon bonds therefor, in order to provide said water works,
and the question whether said bonds should be issued was
submitted to the voters of said town, and approved by a large
majority, and were entered into for construction of the
works, but when the bonds were about to be issued it
was discovered that through a mistake in the wording of said
Act the interest would not commence to run until six months
after the issue thereof, and it was also found that the notice of
election was not in accordance with the words of said Act, by
reason whereof the bonds could not be sold, to the great
inconvenience of the inhabitants of the town.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the effect of said election shall be in all respects
the same as if the notice given thereof had been fully in
accordance with said Act, and that the Mayor and Common
Council of Hyattsville may, in order to accomplish the objects
of said Act, issue the bonds of said corporation to the amount
Bonds may be
of not more than thirty thousand dollars, bearing an interest
of not over four per centum per annum, commencing from the
date of or from the issue of the bonds, with coupons for the
interest payments attached, and that said bonds and coupons
shall be of such amounts, in such form, with such authentica-
tions, and payable at such place, and be disposed of in such
manner as the Mayor and Common Council of Hyattsville
may determine by their ordinance; provided, however, that