SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That to enable the Superintend-
ent of the Census to carry out the provisions of this Act, the
sum of forty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated, to be immediately availa-
ble, and the Comptroller and Treasurer of the State of Mary-
land shall pay the same, from time to time, upon the requisi-
tion of the Superintendent of the Census.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 26, 1901.
for census.
AN ACT to cede jurisdiction to the United States of
America over a certain tract of land in the County of Mont-
gomery and State of Maryland, to be used and occupied as
an Experiment Station for the Bureau of Animal Industry,
and for the purposes herein specified.
WHEREAS, The United States of America has acquired by
purchase from the rightful owner thereof, as appears from a
certain deed filed in the office of the Clerk of Montgomery
County, and recorded in Liber S. D. No. 8, folio 429, one of
the land records of the said Montgomery County, a certain
tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the said
County of Montgomery and State of Maryland, and which is
described in its entirety as follows: A part of a tract of land
formerly known as "Oatland," located near Bethesda, near
the line of the road commonly known as the "Rockville Pike,"
and near the electric car line operated between Tenleytown,
in the District of Columbia and the town of Rockville, County
seat of Montgomery County, containing twenty acres, more
or less; therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State
of Maryland, That the consent of the State of Maryland is
hereby given to the acquisition by the United States of
America of the lands above described, and jurisdiction over
the same is hereby ceded to the United States of America;
and the United States of America shall have, hold, own and
occupy the said lands, and shall exercise supreme jurisdiction
and control over the same and over every part thereof, subject,
however, to the restrictions hereinafter imposed.
SEC. 2. That the State of Maryland shall retain concurrent
jurisdiction with the United States in and over said land, so
ceded to
United States