with Mary-
that criminal and civil processes issued under the authority
of the State by any officer thereof, may be executed on said
land and in the buildings erected thereon, in the same way
and manlier as if jurisdiction had not been ceded; and exclu-
sive jurisdiction shall revert to and revert in this State when-
ever said tract of land shall permanently cease to be used and
occupied by the United States for any of the purposes hereto-
fore enumerated.
Free of taxes.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That as long as the afore-
said lands shall remain the property of the United States of
America, and no longer, the same shall be and continue
exonerated from all taxes, assessments, and charges of every
description which may be levied or imposed under the laws
and by the authority of the State of Maryland.
Approved April 1, 1901.
i n Laurel
AN ACT entitled "A supplement to an Act to authorize and
empower the Mayor and City Council of . Laurel to borrow
money on the credit of said town for the purpose of con-
structing water works for said town ; do necessary draining,
and purchase, construct or erect an electric light and power
plant; to issue bonds for the same, and to levy taxes on the
assessable property of said town to redeem the said bonds
and to pay the interest thereon, approved on the soth day
of March, 1900.
WHEREAS, By the Act mentioned in the foregoing title it
was intended to authorize and empower the Mayor and City
Council of Laurel to borrow money and to issue the bonds of
the town of Laurel, Maryland, in order to provide water-
works, furnish water, do drainage, purchase, erect or construct
an electric light plant, and to create a water board for said
town of Laurel, Prince George's County, Maryland, with the
powers mentioned in said Act; and
WHEREAS, The question as to whether said Act should
take effect was submitted to the legal voters of said town of
Laurel and a large majority of the vote was cast in favor of
the said Act, which was duly certified as required by said
Act; and
WHEREAS, By resolution or ordinance passed by the Mayor
and City Council of Laurel said bonds have been duly author-