process in any court of law of competent jurisdiction, and all
penalties enforced by indictment.
S u per i n ten-
dent author-
izes expendi-
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the Superintendent of the
Census may authorize the expenditure of the necessary sums
for traveling expenses for the officers and employees of the
Census Office, and the incidental expenses essential to carry-
ing out this Act, as hereinbefore provided for, and not other-
wise, including the rental of sufficient quarters in the city of
Baltimore; and he is authorized to print such blanks, circu-
lars, envelopes and other items as may be necessary, and he
shall audit the claims for compensation of all the enumerators
and other subordinate employes, which shall be verified by
affidavit, and pay the same, making requisition upon the
Comptroller for the necessary funds, as hereinafter provided.
Further duties
of Superin-
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That when the returns shall be
received from the enumerators, it shall be the duty of 'the
Superintendent of the Census to examine and scrutinize the
same, and in the event of discrepancies or deficiencies appear-
ing in the returns from any precinct, to use all diligence in
causing the same to be corrected or supplied; and when all
returns shall have been received he shall compile the same
and forward to the Governor the completed and tabulated
returns from each county of the State and the wards of Balti-
more City, giving the number of actual bona fide residents in
each election precinct, and the number of male inhabitants
above twenty-one years of age, and whether registered as
voters or riot, in each precinct of the several counties of the
State and the wards of the City of Baltimore; said final and
complete tabulated returns to be delivered to the Governor on
or before the twentieth day of July, nineteen hundred and
one, and to contain a complete enumeration of all the people
of the State.
ment of rep-
in House.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the enumeration of popula-
tion so made and returned to the Governor, as hereinbefore
provided, shall be the basis upon which the Governor shall
arrange the apportionment of representation in the House of
Delegates of the several counties and the City of Baltimore, as
required by Section 5 of Article 3 of the Constitution; and
having made such apportionment the Governor shall immedi-
ately declare, by proclamation, the number of Delegates
to which each of the several counties and the City of Baltimore
shall be entitled in the House of Delegates of the next Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland.