SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the term precinct, as used:
in the Act, shall be construed so as to embrace all the election
districts of the several counties which are not subdivided into
voting precincts; each of said election districts, not so sub-
divided, to be regarded as a voting precinct for the purposes
of this Act.
Meaning of
SEC 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of each
enumerator so appointed to make a complete and accurate
enumeration of the population of his respective subdivision,
which shall comprehend for each inhabitant the name, age,
color, sex, place of birth, literacy or illiteracy, whether natu-
ralized or not, and length of residence in precinct, county and
State; and for this purpose it shall be the duty of each enume-
rator to visit personally each dwelling-house in his subdi-
vision, and each family therein, and each individual living
out of a family in any place of abode, and by inquiry made of
the head of each family, or of the member thereof deemed
most credible and worthy of trust, or of such individual living
out of a family, to obtain each and every item of information
required by this Act; and in case no person shall be found
at the usual place of abode of such family, competent to
answer the inquiries made in compliance with the require-
ments of this Act, then it shall be lawful for the enumerator
to obtain the required information, as nearly as may be prac-
ticable, from the family or families, person or persons living
nearest such place of abode. But the said enumerators shall
not return any person who is not a bona fide resident of the
State, or who is only temporarily employed on government
reservations, navy-yards, proving-grounds, Naval Academy,
or forts belonging to the United States government, or of
persons who are temporarily residing at hotels, or boarding
houses, whose actual residences are outside of the State of
Maryland. A separate list of such persons so temporarily
residing in the State may, however, be made, in the discretion
of the Superintendent of the Census, but shall not be included
in the sum total of the population of the State, or of the
Duties of
respective counties or wards of Baltimore City. The com-
pensation of said enumerators shall be three dollars per day
for the time actually employed; provided, that no enumerator
shall be employed more than fifteen days under the provisions
of this Act.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That in addition to the enumer-
ation provided for in the preceding section the said enumer-
ators shall return on separate blanks, to be furnished for that