shall be taken, under the authority thereof, prior to the tenth
day of June, nineteen hundred and one.
of officers.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That as soon as practicable after
the passage of this Act, there shall be appointed by the Gov-
ernor (by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, if
that body shall be then in session, otherwise of his own
authority) one person to be Superintendent of the Census,
whose duty it shall be to superintend, direct, regulate and
complete the taking of a State census of population in accord-
ance with the provisions of this Act, and to perform such other
duties as may be required of him by law, and who shall receive
a compensation of ten dollars per day for the time actually
employed in the performance of his duties under this Act; and
there shall be appointed by the Governor, in like manner, one
person to be Assistant Superintendent of the Census, who shall
receive a compensation of six dollars per day for every day
actually employed, whose duty it shall be to render general
assistance to the Superintendent of the Census in the perform-
ance of his duties, and who, during the absence of the Super-
intendent of the Census, or when the office of Superintendent
shall become vacant, shall perform the duties of the Superin-
Officers qualify
by bond.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Superintendent and
Assistant Superintendent of the Census shall each qualify by
taking the oath of office prescribed by Section 6 of Article i
of the Constitution, and by giving bond to the State of Mary-
land on the part of the Superintendent in the sum of ten thou-
sand dollars, and on the part of the Assistant Superintendent
in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful
performance of the duties of their respective offices, and for a
proper disbursement of and accounting for all funds of the
State, which shall come into their hands, respectively.
of enumera-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That as soon as practicable, after
his appointment and qualification, the Superintendent of the
Census shall appoint one competent person resident in each
voting precinct of the City of Baltimore and of the several
counties of the State to be enumerator of population for said
precinct, under the provisions of this Act; but in the event
that no person qualified to perform the duties, resident in any
election precinct, is willing to undertake the duties of enume-
rator for such precinct, the Superintendent may employ any
fit person to be enumerator for such precinct; and the said
Superintendent is hereby authorized to fill any vacancies that
may occur in the office of enumerators.