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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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Absent regis-
tered voters
to be reported

purpose, the names of all registered voters in their respective
precincts who cannot be found in such precinct, and a separate
list of all male persons above the age of twenty-one years
actually residing in such precinct, whose names do not appear
on the list of registered voters, and for the purpose of enabling
the said enumerators to carry out the provisions of this sec-
tion, it shall be the duty of the Boards of the Supervisors of
Election of the several counties of the State and of the City of
Baltimore to make out and deliver to the Superintendent of
the Census, for the use of the enumerators, on or before the
fifteenth day of April, nineteen hundred and one, certified
copies of the lists of registered voters for each election pre-
cinct in the State, as the same appear upon the official regis-

Registry copies
to be paid for.

tries of voters according to the last revision, and the cost of
making such copies shall be paid by the Superintendent of the
Census in the same manner as other expenses incurred under
this Act.

Duration of

SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the enumeration of the pop-
ulation of the State required by this Act shall commence not
later than the first day of May, nineteen hundred and one, and
it shall be the duty of each enumerator to complete the enum-
eration of his election precinct .and to make full and complete
returns thereof to the Superintendent of the Census, upon
blanks furnished to him by said Superintendent, on or before
the first Monday in June, nineteen hundred and one.

Duty of Super-

SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
Superintendent of the Census, as soon as practicable after his
appointment and qualification, to make and promulgate all
necessary regulations as to the form and method of taking the
census, and such regulations, when approved by the Governor,
shall have the full force and effect of law, and each enumerator
and other subordinate officer shall be governed thereby; it
shall also be the duty of the Superintendent of the Census to
prepare all necessary instructions for the guidance of the
enumerators in the performance of their duties, and all blank
forms upon which the returns shall be made and to print and
distribute the same, and he is hereby authorized, with the
approval of the Governor, to employ such clerical assistance as
may be necessary to tabulate the returns of the enumerators

of clerks and

and perform the other clerical work of his office; provided that
the compensation of no clerk shall exceed three dollars per
day, and the Superintendent of the Census is also empowered,
in cases where persons cannot speak the English language, to
employ interpreters in such numbers as may be considered


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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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