SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That all Acts or parts of Acts
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act be and the same
are hereby repealed, and this Act shall take effect from the
date of its passage.
Approved March 21, 1901.
AN ACT to provide for taking a census of the population of
the State of Maryland under the authority thereof, and for
making known by proclamation, by the Governor, the
result thereof, and for apportioning the representation in
the House of Delegates in conformity with such result.
WHEREAS, The framers of the Constitution of 1867, wisely
following the precedent set them by the draughtsmen of the
Constitution of 1864, provided in Sections 3, 4 and 5 of Arti-
cle 3, for the rearrangement and reapportionment of the rep-
resentation to which the several counties and Baltimore City
should from time to time be entitled, and made 'it the duty of
the Governor to declare, by proclamation, the number of dele-
gates to which each county and the City of Baltimore should
be entitled under the apportionment after the taking and pub-
lishing of the next national census, or after any State enumera-
tion of population; and
WHEREAS, Under the recent Federal census a result has
been announced as to some of the counties, which is so totally
contrary to the popular belief, and which would result in such
undue representation in the General Assembly of Maryland of
certain sections of the State, manifestly not warranted by the
number of voters in such sections, as to force the conviction
that such Federal census, either by accident or design, will
cause great injustice to the people of the entire State; and
WHEREAS, It will become the duty of the Governor, under
the Constitution of the State, to accept the enumeration of the
Federal census, unless the General Assembly shall make pro-
vision for an enumeration of the population of the State, to the
end that each county and each legislative district of Baltimore
City .shall secure, in the next General Assembly of Maryland,
the proper representation provided for in the Constitution:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a census of the population of the State of Maryland
Special census
enabling act.