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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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may inspect.

of them shall announce in a loud voice to the judges the
aggregate number of votes received by each candidate. If
requested by any watcher or challenger present at any canvass,
it shall be the duty of the judges and each of them to exhibit
to such watcher or challenger any ballot cast, fully opened or
in such condition and manner that he may fully read and
examine the same, but the judges shall not allow any ballot
to be taken from their hands. As the ballots are counted
they shall be strung upon a strong twine.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That Section 114A of
said Article 33, title "Elections," sub-title "Miscellaneous
Provisions," be and the same is hereby repealed and re-
enacted so as to read as follows:
114A. At least thirty days before every State election the
Attorney-General shall prepare full instructions for the
guidance of the voters of such election as to obtaining bal-
lots, as to the manner of marking them, and as to obtaining new
ballots in place of those accidentally destroyed, with such
other instructions as shall in his opinion be necessary and

Cards of In -

proper. Said instructions shall be furnished by the Secretary
of State to the several Boards of Supervisors of Elections, who
shall, respectively, cause the same, together with copies of
Sections 61, 62 and 63 of this Article, to be printed in large,
clear type, on separate cards to be called "Cards of Instruc-
tion," and said Boards of Supervisors shall furnish twelve of
the same with ballots for use in each election precinct. They
shall also cause to be printed on light cardboard or heavy
sized paper ten or more copies of the form of the ballot pro-

Specimen bal-

vided for each voting place at each election therein, of a con-
siderably magnified size, which shall be called "Specimen
Ballots," and the same shall be furnished with the other bal-
lots prepared for each voting place. On the morning of said
election, the said Supervisors of Elections shall cause to be
conspicuously posted in each polling place said cards of
instruction and largely-magnified specimen ballots, and one of
said cards of instruction shall be affixed in each booth or
voting compartment, and the said specimen ballots shall be
conspicuously displayed in said polling-room and on the out-
side of the building wherein said voting shall take place. Not
less than three of said cards and three of said specimen ballots
shall be posted outside of the guard-rails, and not less than
three of each of same shall be securely and conspicuously
posted on the outside of the building in which the polls are
held, before the balloting begins, in such position that the
same may be easily examined by the public.


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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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