ballots shall not be read to such voter, nor shall any sugges-
tion of any kind be made by either of said two clerks to show
him as to how his ballot is to be marked, but the only assist-
ance which it shall be lawful for the clerks to give him is to
mark the ballot as he, without prompting or suggestion from
them, or either of them, shall direct; but no ballot shall be
marked under this section until a majority of the judges of
election shall be satisfied of the truth of the fact stated in
such affidavit. Voters who are not disabled by blindness or
physical injury from marking their ballots shall not be entitled
to receive assistance in marking them. And with the excep-
tion in favor of persons blind or incapable from physical
injury of marking their ballots without assistance, no distinc-
tion or discrimination in the matter of assistance in marking
ballots shall be made for or against any duly registered voter
for any other cause whatever.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That Section 66 of said
Article 33, title "Elections," sub-title "Count of Ballot," be
and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, so to read as follows:
Ballots must
not be read
to voter nor
66. The judges shall then open the ballot-box and count
and announce the whole number of ballots in the box. They
shall reject any ballots which are deceitfully folded together,
and any ballots which do not have endorsed thereon the name
or initials of the judge who held the ballots. If the voter has
marked more names than there are persons to be elected to an
office, or if there shall be any mark on the ballot other than
the cross mark in a square opposite to the name of a candi-
date, or other than the name or names of any candidate writ-
ten by the voter on the ballot as provided in Section 49, his
ballot shall not be counted. Ballots not counted for such
defects shall be marked "Defective" on the back thereof, and
shall be wrapped in a separate package and returned to the
ballot-box as hereinafter directed. No vote shall be counted
for any candidate opposite whose name no cross mark shall be
placed. They shall open the ballots, and all of them shall be
canvassed separately by one of the judges sitting between two
Counting and
rejection of
other judges, which judge shall call out each name and the
office for which it is designated, and the other judges looking
at the ballot at the same time, and the clerks making tally of
the same. When all the ballots have been canvassed in this
manner, the election clerks shall compare their tallies to-
gether and ascertain the total number of votes received by
each candidate, and when they agree upon the numbers, one
Three judges
to count.