Procedure in
for whom he intends to vote and to the right thereof, in the
blank space provided therefor, a cross — for example, (X) — and
in case of a question submitted to a vote of the people by mark-
ing likewise in the appropriate space a cross-mark (X) against
the answer which he desires to give. Not more than one
voter shall be permitted to occupy any one booth or compart-
ment at one time, and no voter shall remain in or occupy a
booth longer than may be necessary to prepare his ballot, and
in no event longer than seven minutes in case all such booths
or compartments are in use and other voters are waiting to
occupy the same. Before leaving the voting booth or com-
Folding of bal-
. partment the voter shall fold his ballot without displaying the
marks thereon, and in the same way it was folded when
received by him, and he shall keep the same so folded until he
has voted, and so that the signature or initials of the judge
from whom he received it, and the name and number written
on the coupon thereof, but nothing else thereon may be seen.
He shall forthwith hand his said ballot to the judge at the
ballot box, and shall give his name and residence, and upon
his being identified as the person who received said ballot,
the judge shall deposit his ballot in the box, having first
detached therefrom its coupon, which he shall then string
Judge detach
es coupon.
-upon a cord or wire to be provided for the purpose, and the
said voter shall forthwith leave the enclosed space. The
judges having charge of the registers shall then in the column
therein headed "Voted" in same line with the name of the
voter mark the word "Voted" or the letter "V." No ballot
without the endorsement of the name or initials of the judge
thereon, as hereinbefore provided, shall be deposited in said
ballot box, but if deposited shall be counted for the purpose
of ascertaining the number thereof, and the judges shall in
ink mark on the back thereof the word "Counted," and
indorse their names.
Assistance to
disabled or
blind voters
62. Assistance in marking their ballot shall be given to
voters who shall declare, under oath, to the judges of election
that by reason of blindness or physical disability they are
unable without assistance to mark their ballot. Upon making
and filing with the judges such affidavit the voter shall retire
to one of said booths with the two clerks, and then and there
one of said clerks, in the presence of the other, shall mark
the ballot as such voter shall direct, the voter himself naming
one by one the candidates for whom he desires his ballot to
be marked, and not indicating the candidates by a general
designation as the candidates of any one political party. The