other sealed package of tickets mentioned in Section 53; said
Boards of Supervisors of Elections shall in like manner keep
a record of the time when such deliveries are made by them,
and of the particulars thereof. Said several Boards of Super-
visors in the counties are hereby respectively authorized and
directed to make adequate provision for the performance of the
duty imposed upon them by this section, and the County
Commissioners of the several counties shall pay the expenses
incurred in the performance thereof.
Expense in-
curred, borne
by County
C o m m i s -
Should said Boards of Supervisors fail or neglect to make
the delivery by the time prescribed by this section it shall be
the duty of the judge, designated beforehand by the Super-
visors, to take charge of the ballot-box, as provided in Section
70 of this Article, to immediately send to the Supervisors
therefor, and to obtain the same as soon as practicable, in order
that the election may be duly held, the cost hereby incurred
to be paid by the County Commissioners as a part of the elec-
tion expenses. For failure or neglect on the part of the Super-
visors of Elections, the Board of Police Commissioners* or any
person employed by them respectively, in the discharge of the
duties required of them by this section, or said judges, or any
person employed by them to perform the duties imposed upon
them respectively by this section, they shall respectively be
subject to indictment for a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be subject to the penalties prescribed by Section
88 of this Article.
Failure or neg-
lect of Su-
pervisors, etc.,
61. At every election each qualified voter shall be entitled
to receive one official ballot. The person applying therefor
to the judge of election holding the ballots shall give his name
and residence, and the said judge shall repeat the same in a
loud and distinct voice, and if such name be found upon the
register by the judges having the custody thereof they shall
repeat the said name and the voter shall be allowed to enter
the space enclosed by the guard-rail, and the judge holding
the ballots, having first written in ink the voter's name and
number upon the coupon attached to one of them, shall
deliver said ballot to the voter after having likewise writ-
ten in ink his own name or initials upon the back
thereof, and the two clerks of election shall at the same
time enter the name of the voter upon their poll books.
Upon receipt of his ballot the voter shall forthwith, and
without leaving the enclosed space retire alone to one of the
booths or compartments and prepare his ballot by marking with
an indelible pencil after the name of every person or persons
Method of vot-