such district or precinct at the then approaching election ;
such sample copies shall be printed on light cardboard or
heavy sized paper of considerably magnified dimensions, and
one of them at least shall be placed upon the exterior of each
building in which the polls will be held, so that the same can
be readily seen and examined by persons passing on the street
or road.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That Sections 54, 61 and
62, of said Article 33, title "Elections," be and the same are
hereby severally repealed and re-enacted with amendments so
as to read as follows:
Voting p a r a-
pharnalia in
Baltim or e
54. The Supervisors of Elections of Baltimore City shall
deliver to the Board of Police Commissioners of Baltimore
City, not more than three days nor less than one day preced-
ing the election, the two registers of every precinct of said
city, together with the cards of instruction and ballot box
therefor, the latter being locked, with the key in the lock,
and containing one of the sealed packages of ballots for
said precinct, the specimen ballots, the two poll books, and
all blanks, indelible pencils and stationery required for such
election. And the said Board of Police Commissioners shall
receipt therefor and shall deliver or cause the same to be
delivered to the Judges of Election of the respective precincts
at or before the opening of the polls on the day of election.
Said Boards of Supervisors shall keep a record of the time
when such deliveries are made by them and of the particulars
Voting para-
pharnalia in
The Supervisors of Elections of the several counties shall
not more than three days prior to every election, and not less
than one, make up into sealed packages for each precinct the
two registers for said precinct, together with the cards of
instruction and the key of the ballot box for such precinct,
having first placed in the ballot box one of the sealed pack-
ages of ballots for said precincts, the specimen ballots, the two
poll books and all blanks, indelible pencils and stationery
required for such elections, and shall deliver or cause the same
to be delivered to the Judges of Election of the respective pre-
cincts at or before the end of the day preceding the day of
Said Boards of Supervisors of Election of the several coun-
ties shall also at the same time, that is to say, at or before the
end of the day preceding the day of election, deliver to the
Judges of Election of the several precincts or districts the