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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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a column, as hereinbefore mentioned, so that the same shall
form a parallelogram or space where the voter may clearly
indicate, in the way hereinafter pointed out, whether he shall
wish to cast his ballot for or against the Constitutional
Amendment, or proposition or propositions submitted.


52. Said ballots shall be printed upon plain white printing
paper of ordinary book weight, in black ink, and in clear,
legible! type, and in printing, the names of the candidates
respectively shall be of uniform size, style and appearance
throughout the ballot, and the type used in printing the
names of the parties which said candidates respectively repre-
sent shall be uniform in size, style and appearance throughout
the ballot, such uniformity of type and printing to be fixed and
determined in the City of Baltimore by the Board of Supervisors
of Elections of that city, and in the several counties by the
respective Boards of Supervisors of Elections thereof; on the
back and outside shall be printed the words "Official Ballot
For," followed by the designation of the polling place for
which it is prepared, the date of the election, and a fac -simile
of the signature of the President of the Board of Supervisors oi
Elections by whom the ballot has been prepared. Said ballot
shall be printed on the same leaf, with a detachable stub or

Names of can-
didates must
be uniform
in size.

coupon one inch high and three inches wide, above the upper
right hand corner of the ballot, and binding on the upper edge
thereof, but separated therefrom by a line running along the
entire width of said coupon. Upon said coupon shall be
printed the words "Voter's Name," with a line drawn there-
under, for writing said name, and under the said line the words
"Number of Voter," followed by a blank space for the inser-
tion of number. Before distribution, said ballots shall be so


folded in marked creases that no part of the marks or printing
thereon, excepting that upon the back and outside, and that
upon the detachable stub or coupon, shall be visible, and so
that the folded ballots shall be of uniform width and length,
and of proper width to be deposited in the ballot boxes. All
ballots when printed shall be folded as above provided, and
fastened together in convenient numbers in packages, books
or blocks, so that each ballot may be detached and removed
separately. The said Boards of Supervisors of Elections,

Secrecy of bal-

respectively, shall, four days at least prior to the day of any
election in their respective counties and in said city, cause to
be conspicuously and securely posted in one or more public
places in each voting precinct of their respective counties, or
of said city, accurate sample copies of the ballots to be used in

Sample ballots
posted before


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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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