tion 38, to be printed to the right of the name of each candi-
date, except presidential electors. If the same party name
shall be claimed on behalf of nominations made by more than
one convention or primary election and duly certified as afore-
said, the officers by whom the ballot is to be prepared, or a
Decision o n
party name.
majority of them, shall determine which nominees are justly
entitled to the party name, and the word "Independent" shall
precede the party name of the other nominee. The names of
candidates for the office of Electors for President and Vice-
President of the United States shall be arranged in groups, as
presented in the several certificates of nomination papers, and
the several groups shall be arranged in such order of the
surnames of the candidates for President as the several
Boards of Supervisors shall prescribe in the City of Balti-
more and in the several counties, respectively. If candidates
for Presidential electors are nominated at large and for the
several Congressional Districts, the name and place of resi-
dence of the candidates at large shall be put at the head of
each group, and the names of the other candidates with their
places of residence, including the numbers of the Congres-
sional District in which they reside, shall follow in numeri-
cal order. The surname of the candidates of each political
party for the office of President and Vice President, with the
party name at the right of the surname, shall be placed above
the group of candidates for electors of such party. There
shall be left at the right of the surnames of the candidates for
President and Vice-President so formed as to include both
Where to mark
names and to the right of the name of each elector a suffi-
cient clear square in which each voter may designate by a
cross (X) his choice for electors. All candidates for office
shall, as far as possible, be placed in one column, but when
the names to be printed upon the ticket are over thirty -six,
then another column shall be added in which names shall be
printed, and when two or more columns are used the same
number of names shall, as far as possible, be printed in each
column. A Constitutional amendment, or any question to be
submitted to the popular vote, shall be printed in a separate
column to follow immediately after the names of candidates.
Form of pre-
senting Con-
51. If at any election there be a constitutional question, or
any other question to be submitted to the popular vote, the
said question shall be placed upon said ballot in the form
following: "For Constitutional Amendment,"- "Against
Constitutional Amendment," "For Proposition," "Against
Proposition," and said respective questions shall be placed in