on demand by the Supervisors to the candidates or their
authorized agents." If any mistakes be discovered it shall be
the duty of said Supervisors to correct the same without delay,
and if said Supervisors shall decline or refuse to make correc-
tion, then upon the sworn petition of any qualified voter
who would have the right to vote for such candidate at the
approaching election, the Circuit Court for any county, or one
of the Judges of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, may,
by order, require said Supervisors of Elections to correct such
error, or to show cause why such error should not be corrected.
against Super-
50. The form and arrangement of the ballots shall be as fol-
lows: All ballots shall contain the names of every candidate
whose nomination for any office specified in the ballot has been
certified to and filed according to the provisions of this Article,
and not withdrawn in accordance herewith. The names of
candidates for every office shall, except in the case of candi-
dates for Presidential electors, be arranged alphabetically
according to their surname under the designation of the office.
-To the right of the name of each candidate upon the official
ballot, and immediately to the left of the square opposite the
name of the candidate, and in line therewith, shall be added
the designation of the party or principle which the candidate
represents, as is duly contained in the certificate of nomina-
tion or jiomination papers. To the name of each candidate
for State office or candidate for Congress shall be added the
name of the county or city in which the candidate resides.
Ballots shall be so printed as to give to each voter a clear
opportunity to designate by a cross (X) in a square at the
right of the name of each candidate and at the right of each
question his choice of candidates and his answer to such ques-
tion. If a candidate is named for the same office on two or
more certificates of nomination his name shall be printed on
Form and ar-
rangement of
the ballot but once, and to the right of the name of said can-
didate shall be added the names of each of the parties or prin-
ciples which the candidate represents. When the name of a
political party is given in connection with the name of a can-
_didate nominated, as provided in Section 38 of this Article, it
shall be stated on the ballot to the right of the name of the
candidate; but if there shall have been any nomination for
the same office by a convention or primary election claiming
the same party name, duly certified as hereinbefore provided,
the word '.'Independent" shall precede the party name, if the
candidate is nominated under the provisions of the said Sec-
Joint nominee