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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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Affidavit of
legal voter
after removal
from State
after passage
of this Act.

of such affidavit shall be as follows: State of Maryland,
(City or County) of ———— —— set: I hereby certify that on
this —— day of ————— before the subscriber, Clerk of the
Circuit Court for ———————— County (or Superior Court of
Baltimore City) personally appeared ————— and made oath
(or affirmation) in due form of law, that on or about the ——
day of ————— he vacated and removed from his habitation,
dwelling place, domicile or abode in ————— Precinct of the
—— - —— Election District of ———— County (or of the ————
Ward in the ————— Legislative District of Baltimore City)
and took up his abode out^of the State. (Here insert particu-
lar designation of such new abode by election district, pre-
cinct, ward, street and number whenever practicable); that
notwithstanding such removal he does not intend thereby to
change his residence, but that he has a fixed and definite pur-
pose to return to this State on or before six months preced-
ing the next succeeding election in November; sworn before
me (signature of clerk, seal of court). And if the persons
making such affidavits shall fail so to return and take up their
actual abode, domicile, dwelling place and habitation in this
State on or before six months next preceding such November

When re-
movals are

election, they shall be conclusively presumed to have aban-
doned such declared intention, and shall thereupon become
disqualified to vote in this State; and the officers of registra-
tion shall refuse to register them as qualified voters, or shall
strike off their names from the registry if their names be
entered thereon. The clerk before whom such affidavit shall

Fee for affi-

be made shall retain, index and record the same, and shall be
entitled to demand and receive for each affidavit sworn the
sum of thirty cents, and for indexing and recording the affi-
davit and acknowledgment thereto the same compensation as
allowed by law for indexing and recording deeds, such costs
to be paid to said clerks by the County Commissioners and
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, respectively. Such
affidavits shall not be admissible in evidence as evidence of
the right of the persons making the same to registration unless
they are recorded within five days from the date of the
acknowledgments thereto, and a duly certified copy thereof
shall be receivable in evidence in the same manner as a certi-
fied copy of a deed. False swearing in any such affidavits
shall be deemed to be perjury, and shall be punishable as per-

Falsa swearing
equal to per-'

jury is punishable by the Code of Public General Laws, Arti-
cle 27, title "Crimes and Punishments," sub-title "Perjury."
Said officers of registration shall require the production of such


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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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