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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 11   View pdf image (33K)
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the Superior Court of Baltimore City), personally appeared
————— and made oath or affirmation in due form of law,
that up to the day of —————— , or thereabouts, he was an
actual resident and inhabitant of the ——————— election dis-
trict of ——————— County, or of the ——————— Precinct of
the ——————— Ward of the —— — —— Legislative District
of Baltimore City, that on or about the ———— day of — -— —
he removed from his said domicile or place of residence in
said county or city, and took up his domicile, habitation,
dwelling place or abode out of the State of Maryland, to wit:
(in here insert minute and definite description of the place of
abode,) that when he so removed out of the State he had a
fixed and definite purpose to return thereto by a certain time,
and that he did not intend, by such removal, to change his
residence within the State, or to return, or not to return to
this State, as circumstances thereafter might make expedient;
sworn to before me (signature of clerk, seal of court). And
unless the persons respectively making such affidavits shall
actually return to this State, and shall actually take up their
abode, domicile or habitation therein, six months before the
Tuesday after the first Monday in November next succeeding
the making of said affidavit, they shall be conclusively pre-
sumed to have lost their legal residence therein, and shall not
be entitled to registration therein as legal voters, and the


officers of registration shall strike off their names from the
registry if they be entered thereon; and after the passage of
this Act all persons who shall vacate and remove from the
place of their actual domicile, abode, dwelling place or habi-
tation within this State, and shall take up a domicile, abode,
dwelling place or habitation out of this State, shall be con-
clusively presumed to have lost their residence in this State,
and shall, in consequence thereof, become disqualified to vote
unless at or about the time of such removal, or within ten
days thereafter, they shall go in person before the Clerk of
the Circuit Court for the county from which they shall so
remove, or before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Balti-
more City, if such removal be from said city, and shall make
and acknowledge before him an affidavit declaring that not-
withstanding such removal from their domicile, abode, dwell-
ing place or habitation they do not intend thereby to change
their legal residence, but that they have a fixed and definite
purpose to return to this State on or before six months pre-
ceding the next succeeding election in November, The form

Loss of legal
after passage
of this Act.


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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 11   View pdf image (33K)
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