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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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affidavits, duly recorded, or a duly certified copy thereof, in
all cases where they shall have reason to suspect that the per-
son applying to be registered as a qualified voter has lost his
residence by reason of his removal from the State, as herein-
before mentioned; and they may also in such cases put any
question which they may deem proper to such applicant con-

Affidavits o f
may be de-

cerning the place where he dwelt in the county or legislative
- district before such removal out of the State, his occupation
before such removal and since the time when he so removed
and when he returned, and all other pertinent facts and cir-
cumstances touching the right of such person to be registered;
and they may require the truth of the answers of all persons
to such questions to be corroborated by independent evidence
if in their discretion they shall think proper; and if in answer
to their question, or upon testimony produced before them, it
shall appear to their satisfaction that the person applying to
be registered had left the State without any intention of return-
ing, or with the intention of returning at some indefinite time

Officers of Reg-
istration have
right to ask
certain ques-

in the future, he shall not be entitled to be registered as a
legal voter; provided, however, that this section shall not
apply to United States Senators and Representatives in Con-
gress from Maryland. Any officer of registration who shall
fail or refuse to perform the duty imposed upon him by this
section shall be subject to the penalties imposed by Section
88 of this Article. -

Section does
not apply to
United States
Senators and
tives in Con-
gress from

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That Section 37 of said
Article 33, title "Elections," sub-title "Nominations," be and
the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments
so as to read as follows:

Repeal of Sec-
tion 37, Article

37. All nominations made by such convention or primary
meetings shall be certified as follows: The certificate of nom-
ination shall be in writing, shall contain the name of each
person nominated, his residence, his business, his address and
the office for which he is nominated, and shall designate, in


not more than five words, the party or principle which such
convention or primary meeting represents. It shall be signed
by the presiding officer and secretary of such convention, who
shall add to their signatures their respective places of resi-
dence, their business and business address, and acknowledge

Must be signed
b y President
and Secretary
of Convention.

the same before an officer duly authorized to take acknowl-
edgments, who shall append a certificate of such acknowledg-
ment thereto. If the nomination is by means of a primary
election, the certificate shall be signed and acknowledged by

Must be ac-
by o ffi c e r
duly author-


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Session Laws, 1901
Volume 215, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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