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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 747   View pdf image (33K)
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alledged to be due to themselves and others for the ————— erection of said Academy;

Be it therefore resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said donation of three hundred dollars, be, and the same is hereby withdrawn from the said Abingdon Academy, and the Treasurer of the Western Shore, he, and he is hereby authorised and required not to make any further payment under said resolution or on account of said donation to the trustees of said Academy.

And be it further resolved, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is hereby directed to pay to the trustees of the Cokesbury Academy, in Abingdon, Harford county, or to their order, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, annually, on the first Monday of October in each year, as a donation to said Academy; [*and one hundred and fifty dollars] to the trustees of Darlington Academy, in said county.

And be it further resolved, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be directed, and he is hereby authorised to convey all the right, title and interest of the State of Maryland, in Abingdon Academy, to the trustees of said Academy; the said trustees, nevertheless, shall be subject to all debts heretofore incurred by said trustees of said Academy.

No. 92.


Resolution relative to repairs to the Treasury Office, of. the Western Shore.

Passed Apiil 2,1839

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore, he, and he is hereby authorised to appropriate the sum of five hundred dollars, out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury, for such repairs as he may deem necessary for the Treasury Office of the Western Shore.

*These words are omitted in engrossing.



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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 747   View pdf image (33K)
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