———— abolishing the High Court of Chancery, and to enquire into the official conduct of the Chancellor.
No. 90.
Passed April 2,1836
Resolution in favour of William M. Stewart.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore, he, and he is hereby authorised and required to pay to William M. Stewart of Montgomery county, the sum of fifty dollars, for his services as clerk to joint committee of Senate and House of Delegates, instructed to enquire into the causes of the erroneous estimates of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, and into the manner which said loan was appropriated, and generally into the manner, in which the public monies appropriated for the construction of works of Internal Improvement in this State have been expended.
No. 91.
Passed April 2
Resolution relative to Ahingdon, Cokesbury and Darlington Academics, in Harford county.
WHEREAS, it appears to the General Assembly of Maryland, that the trustees of the Abingdon Academy, in Harford county, have not applied the donation of three hundred dollars, granted to said Academy, by resolution, number twenty-nine, of December Session, eighteen hundred and thirty, according to the intention of the General Assembly in making said donation, but on the contrary have in a great measure defeated the intention of the General Assembly, as expressed in said resolution, and the objects which it sought to accomplish by said donation, in part by withholding one hundred dollars per annum, allowed by said resolution for the purposes of tuition, and in part by applying it for their own benefit, in addition to the one hundred dollars allowed by said resolution, in discharging the debts or the interest on the debts