No. 87.
Resolution in favor of Charles S. Ridgely, G. S.
Passed April 2,1836
Townsend and John O. Wharton.
Resolved by the General Assembly n/ Maryland, That
the treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is here-
by authorised and required to pay to Charles S. Ridge-
ly, Esq., a Delegate of Anne Arundel county, to G. S.
Townseml, Esq., a Delegate of Cecil county, and to
John O. Wharton, Esq., a Delegate of Washington
county, four dollars for each day during which they
shall be detained by sickness at the scat of Government
after the close of the session.
No. 88.
Resolution relative to Bridges, in Charles County.
Passed April 2
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Levy Court of Charles county, be, and they are
hereby authorised and required to cause good and suf-
ficient bridges, to be erected over Zachia Swamp in
said county, at or near the place called and known as
the old bridges.
Resolved, That the Levy Court of said county, be,
and they are hereby authorised and required to levy
upon the assessable property of said county, such sum
or sums of money as may be necessary for the erection
of said bridge or bridges, not exceeding in the whole
two thousand dollars.
No. 89.
Resolution in favor of William M. Stewart.
Passed April 2
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to William M.
Stewart, of Montgomery county, thirty dollars, for
his services as clerk to the joint committee of the two
houses, appointed to enquire into the expediency of