Brewer, chief clerk of the House of Delegates, and ————— Joseph H. Nicholson, chief clerk of the Senate, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the amount of the several accounts that may from time to time be presented to him by said clerks, for newspapers furnished by them for the use of the members of their respective houses, in accordance with an order adopted by said houses for that purpose.
No. 81.
Resolution in favor of Anna Maria Smyth.
Passed Mar.25,1836
Resolved ly the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in lieu of the pension allowed to Anna Maria Smyth,
by resolution number thirty-three of eighteen hundred
and thirty, which is hereby revoked, the Treasurer of
the Western Shore pay to" said Anna Maria, or to her
order, the half pay of a major during her widowhood;
Provided, that the said Anna Maria shall file with the
said treasurer a relinquishment in writing, of all claims
for arrears of pay or otherwise, on account of her late
husband Thomas Smyth, who was a major in the revo-
lutionary war.
No. 82.
Resolution in favor of Sydney Taylor.
Passed April 1
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasury of the Western Shore pay Sydney Tay-
lor, widow of John Taylor, a revolutionary soldier,
the half pay of a private in consideration of the servi-
ces of her husband.
No, 83.
Resolution in favor of Alexander Cheves.
Passed April 2
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be authorised to