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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 742   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 79.

Passed Mar.31,1836

Resolution relative to the History of Maryland.


Resolvedly the General Assembly of Maryland, That


the donation offered by John Leeds Kerr, of Talbot


county, of an autograph manuscript of a history of


Maryland from its first settlement in sixteen hundred


and thirty-three, to the restoration in sixteen hundred


and sixty, and of corrections and additions to an in-


troduction to a history of Maryland, heretofore pub-


lished by John Leeds Bozman, deceased, together


with a printed and corrected copy of the said introduc-


tion, be and the same are hereby accepted for and in


behalf of the State.


Resolved, That the Governor and Council be, and


they are hereby authorised and required by contract,


upon such terms as they may deem reasonable, to cause


the said history and introduction, with the corrections


and additions, notes and illustrations, to be correctly


printed and published, and in fair and good type, and


upon proper paper, in two volums octavo, with an in-


dex to the whole work, and so that the introduction,


with the notes and illustrations, and that part of the


manuscript which comprises the corrections and addi-


tions thereto, inserted in the proper places according


to the directions and references, shall form the first


volume; and that the history with its notes and illus-


trations, shall form the second volume; Provided, that


five hundred copies of the work shall be reserved upon


any such contract, for the use of the State at such price


as the said Governor and Council shall deem reasonable.


Resolved, That six copies of the said work, when so


printed and published, he neatly bound and presented


to the said donor.


No. 80.

Passed March 30

Resolution in relation to Newspapers.


Resolved ly the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to George G.


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 742   View pdf image (33K)
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