No. 76.
Resolution directing the preparation of Ball Car-
Passed Mar. 30, 1836
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
his Excellency the Governor and Executive Council,
be, and they are hereby authorised and required to have
prepared under the direction of the Armorer at Anna-
polis, fifty thousand Ball Cartridges.
No. 77.
Resolution in favor of the Chief and Assistant Clerks
Passed March 30
of the two Houses.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to George G
Brewer, cliief clerk, and Eli Duvall. assistant clerk
of the House of Delegates, and Joseph H. Nicholson.
chief clerk, and John N. Watkins, assistant clerk of
the Senate, one hundred dollars each, in addition to the
pay allowed them by law, in consideration for the able
manner in which they have discharged their respective
duties during the present session.
No. 78.
Resolution in favour of Reverend John Poisal and Re-
Passed March 31
verend George McElhiney.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to the Rever-
end John Poisal, chaplain of the House of Delegates,
and the Reverend George McEihiney, chaplain to the
Senate, the sum of one hundred dollars each, out of any
unappropriated money in the treasury, as a remunera-
tion for their services during the present session.