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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 740   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 73.

Passed Mar ,23,1836

Resolution requiring the Armorer at Annapolis, to de-


liver certain Arms to Captain Smith of Baltimore.


Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That


the Armorer at Annapolis, be directed to deliver to


Captain Smith, of the City of Baltimore, eighty stand


of Rifles, if the same shall be in the Armory, for the


use of the Morgan Volunteers of said City, he giving


bond and security to the State for the same.


No. 74.

Passed April 1

Resolution requiring the State's Topographical Engi-


neer to make certain surveys.


Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That


the State's Topographical Engineer, be, and he is


hereby authorised and required to make a survey of


the country along the Eastern base of the South Moun-


tain, from Frederick City to the Pennsylvania line,


with a view to the construction of a Rail Road upon


that route, and that he report to the next Genera! As-


sembly, the practicability and probable cost of con-


structing such a road.

Passed March.31

Resolution relative to the Maryland Hospital.


Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That


the treasurer of the Western Shove, be, and he is here-


by authorised and directed to pay to the President and


Visitors of the Maryland Hospital, or their order, the


sum of fifteen thousand dollars, in three equal annual


payments, from and after the passage of this resolu-


tion, to be by them applied for the benefit and improve-


ment of said hospital; Provided, the said President


and Visitors shall give bond and security, to be ap-


proved by the treasurer, for the faithful disbursement


and application of said sums of money.


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 740   View pdf image (33K)
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