quired to deliver to captain Benjamin Vanhorn, of ———— Kent county, any clean rifles and equipments, not exceeding sixty each, which the said Armourer may select on his giving bond and security for the safe keeping and return of the same to the State, as the Governor and Council may require.
No. 66.
Resolution relative to the Public Documents.
Passed Mar.26,1836
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Governor and Council, he and they are hereby au-
thorised to have transcribed such of the documents and
papers referred to in document number seven, accom-
panying the Governor's message to the present Gene-
ral Assembly, as they in their discretion shall deem
worthy of preservation, and to have under their super-
intendance such of said papers printed in form of docu-
mentary volumes, as they may conceive necessary and
important in illustration of the early history and go-
vernment of the Province and State of Maryland, and
that they allow such compensation therefor as may ap-
pear to them to be reasonable and just by drafts on the
Treasurer of the Western Shore.
No. 67.
Resolution in favour of Andrew. Slicer and John
Passed March 28
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Andrew
Slicer, messenger to the Senate, and John Quynn,
doorkeeper to the House of Delegates, the sum of sixty
dollars each, for taking care of their respective rooms
and furniture during the recess of the Legislature,