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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 733   View pdf image (33K)
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survey from the assumed point of Delaware, in as-straight a line as may be to the northern line of the State of Virginia bounding Worcester county, with a divergent route to any one or more of the places herein mentioned or to connect the said route with any other works-of improvement authorised by this State, or the States of Delaware and Virginia, including in such estimate the lands and right of way, with the necessary buildings, vehicles, and all appurtenances, and the executive are hereby authorised to adjust and allow for such recognisance and survey, such compensation and expenses as may seem reasonable, and draw therefor on the Treasurer of the Western Shore.

No. 56.


Resolution relative to opening the navigation of the

Passed Mar. 23, 1836

Great Monie river, in Somerset county.


WHEREAS, it has been represented to the General


Assembly of Maryland, that the great Monte river, in


Somerset county, running through a thickly settled


district of county, has become so obstructed by an ac-


cumulation of mud at .its month, as to render its navi-


gation extremely difficult, and to large vessels entirely


impracticable, and as it appears that such difficulty or


obstruction may be removed or obviated by the open-


ing of a canal not exceeding two or three miles in ex-


tent: — Therefore,


Resolved ly the General Assembly of Maryland, That


John N. Bowland, Jesse Hughes, and Alexander Jones,


or any two of them, be, and they are hereby appointed


commissioners with power to call in the aid of the


State engineer, at their discretion, if they shall deem


the same to be necessary, whose duty it shall be to


examine, explore and survey the route or routes, of the


contemplated canal, and report the same with an esti-


mate of the cost thereof to the Legislature at the com-


mencement of their next session; and in the event of a


vacancy by resignation, death, or other cause, the go-





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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 733   View pdf image (33K)
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