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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 731   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 53.


Resolution in favour of Clemency Parrish.

Passed Mar. 16, 1836

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That


the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Clemency


Parrish, widow of Edward Parrish, a soldier of the


revolution, the half pay of a serjant during her life.


No. 54.


Resolution requesting the Senators and Members for

Passed March 19

this State, in Congress, to use their exertions


against the Expunging Resolutions.


WHEREAS, by the fifth section of the first article of


the Constitution of the United States, it is provided


that each of the Houses of Congress shall keep a jour-


nal of its proceedings; and whereas, the Senate of the


United States, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty


four, at the first session of the twenty third Congress,


did in its legislative capacity pass the following reso-




"Resolved, That the President, in the executive


proceedings in relation to the public revenue, has as-


sumed" upon himself authority and power not confered


by the constitution and laws, but in derogation of


both," which resolution consequently became a part


of the proceedings of the senate at that session; and


whereas, attempts are now making in several of the


States of this Union to cause said resolution to be ex-


punged from the journal of the house, which if carried


into effect will cause said journal not to be a record of


the proceedings of the house, hut of a part of its pro-


ceedings in utter disregard of the provision already


cited of the Constitution of the United States; and


whereas, the power to expunge the record of any por-


tion of the proceedings of the Senate, necessarily im-


plies the power to expunge or efface the whole, and may


leave the country at any time (a bare majority shall


deem fit) without an official record of the proceedings


of one or both branches of the National Legislature.


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 731   View pdf image (33K)
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