No. 46.
Resolution in favor of the heirs of Thomas Goldsmith.
Passed Feb.24,1836
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Register of the Land Office of the Western Shore,
issue a land warrant for two hundred acres of land of
any vacant land in Alleghany county, Westward of
Fort Cumberland, to James Mills, Thomas Mills,
Elizabeth Mills, Sarah Campfield and Harriet Gold-
smith, heirs at law of Thomas Goldsmith, deceased,
and their heirs, without any titling from the Treasur-
er of the Western Shore of Maryland.
No. 47.
Resolution in favor of William Price and George R.
Passed February 24
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to William
Price, of Washington county, and George R. Richard-
son, of the city of Baltimore, or to their order, the sum
of four hundred dollars each, for services rendered the
State in prosecution of Evan Poultney, William M.
Ellicott, and Samuel Poultney.
No. 48.
Resolution in favor of Thomas Hope.
Passed February 24
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Thomas
Hops, one of the securities of Joshua Guyton, late sheriff
of Harford county, the sum of five dollars, the same
being the amount of fees due by insolvents and non re-
sidents, and not allowed in the suit of the State against
the securities of the said Guyton upon the sheriff's