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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 728   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 44.

Passed Feb. 24, 1836

Resolution relative to framing certain Paintings,


Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That


the Governor and Council be authorised to cause the


pictures, for painting which the services of John B.


Bordley have heretofore been engaged, under resolu-


tion, number eighty-nine, of December session, eigh-


teen hundred and thirty-four, to bo suitably framed,


and to draw upon the treasurer of the Western Shore,


for such sums as may be necessary to defray the rea-


sonable expenses thereof.


No. 45.

Passed February, 24

Resolution in favor of the Roman Catholic Church, in


Cobb Neck.


Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That


the orphan's court of Charles county, be, and they are


hereby authorised and required to draw upon the Trea-


surer of the Western Shore, for and pay over annually


to the trustees of the Roman Catholic Church, in Cobb


Neck, the sum of one hundred dollars; provided, said


trustees shall satisfy the said orphan's court, before


each and every annual payment, that at least twelve


poor children of said county were regularly instruct-


ed in the elements of English education, at the school


of the said trustees during the preceding year, free of




Resolved, That the said Treasurer, be and he is


hereby required to pay said drafts, when presented,


out of that portion of the avails of the free school fund


heretofore directed to be invested annually for the


benefit of Charles county.

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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 728   View pdf image (33K)
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