paid in each year since the establishment of said fund, and the amount received in the hands of said commissioners or their treasurer, each year, and in their discretion to publish the same, in some newspaper published in the town of Cumberland.
No. 31
Passed Feb 18,1836
Resolution relating to memorials of sundry persons,
praying for indemnity for trespasses sustained by
late riots in Baltimore.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the joint committee of the two houses heretofore ap-
pointed to consider of, and report upon the memorials
of sundry persons, praying for indemnity for losses
sustained by the late riots in Baltimore, be authorised
to take such testimony as they may deem essential to
their correct action upon the subject of said memorials,
and to this end they are hereby authorised to send for
persons and papers.
Passed February 18
Resolution requiring the Register of the Land Office of
the Western Shore, to transcribe a certain Record
Book therein mentioned.
The select committee appointed under an order of
the House of Delegates of the second instant, to exam-
ine a record book, Liber Number fifteen, belonging to
the Western Shore Land Office of this State, beg leave
to report, that your committee have examined said re-
cord book, Liber Number fifteen, and find it contains
certificates and grants of land for a number of the
counties of this State, from the year sixteen hundred
and seventy-three, to sixteen hundred and seventy-
seven, inclusive, that said record from time and use
have become much worn and defaced, and in the opin-
ion of your committee should be transcribed, they
therefore recommend the adoption of the following