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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 7   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP; 7.

An Act to authorise Thomas Baldwin, present Sheriff of

Passed Jan. 12,1832

Prince George's county, to bond as Sheriff of said


county, at any time before the thirteenth day of Feb-


ruary next, and to authorise the Clerk of said county


to receive and record said bond.


SECTION Be it enacted by the General Assembly of

Bond authorised

Maryland, That Thomas Baldwin, the present Sheriff


of Prince George's county, be and he is hereby au-


thorised to bond as Sheriff of said county, at any time


before the thirteenth day of February next; Provided,


the said bond shall lie approved and attested according


to law; And provided, that in addition to the condition


of sheriffs' bond prescribed by the existing laws of this


State, theibond to be given in virtue of this act, shall


contain the following condition, to wit: the further


condition of this obligation is such that the above ob-


ligation shall not he null and void, unless the above


bound Thomas Baldwin shall in all respects, well and


faithfully perform and execute all the duties prescribed


in the preceding condition to this obligation, and by


th'e existing laws of this State, in all cases of process


which may have come to his hands between the expira-


tion of his bond as Sheriff for the last year, and the


date of this obligation, as fully and completely as if


this obligation bore date anterior to his reception of


such process, or his receipt of money under color of


his office of Sheriff.


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Clerk of Prince

Report directed

George's County Court, be and he is hereby authorised


and required to receive and record the bond referred


to in the preceding section; Provided, the same be in


all respects in conformity with the provisions of the


existing law upon the subject of sheriffs' bonds, and


the provisions of this act.


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 7   View pdf image (33K)
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