them, and also specifying the number of days they shall
CHAP. 366.
have been absent from their respective places of official
SEC. 6...Und be it enacted, That if any alderman
Case of failing to
shall in any instance fail to make a monthly return or
report or pay over
payment as aforesaid, and quartely report as aforesaid,
and shall neglect to do so for one week after the same
should be made, the Mayor aforesaid, shall report the
fact to the Governor and Council, who after notification
to such alderman, of the charge, and his not adducing
satisfactory reasons for the omission aforesaid, or his
not making payment as aforesaid by a day that may be
assigned by the Governor and Council, shall be, and
Commission may be
they are hereby authorised and required to vacate his
appointment and appoint another alderman in his place
to serve the residue of his term.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the Mayor immedi-
Mayor shall report
ately upon the reports being received, shall transmit
to the Executive quarterly
to the Governor and Council copies of the quarterly
reports aforesaid, with such remarks and representa-
tions as to him shall seem proper, and the Governor
and Council upon any neglect of duty or irregularity
Case of irregularity
in any alderman, apparent in, or by any of said reports,
or from said representations, shall upon notification to
the alderman so implicated and not being satisfied as
to the propriety of his conduct in the premises, Vacate
May vacate com-
his appointment, and appoint another in his place, to
serve for the residue of his term.
SEC 8. And be it enacted, That upon any charge of
Case of official of
irregularity in the official or moral conduct of any al-
moral misconduct
derman, the Governor and Council after notification to
him of the charges, and being satisfied of their truth,
be, and they are hereby authorized to vacate his ap-
Lay vacate
pointrnent and appoint for the residue of his term
another alderman in his place.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That when any alder-
Case of vacancy
man shall cease to he a resident of the city of Balti-
more, or shall resign or die, the Governor and Coun-
cil shall vacate his appointment, and appoint another
alderman in his place, for the residue of his term.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That any sums of money
Mode of recovery
payable by any of said aldermen under the provisions