CHAP. 367
of this act, may be recovered by action of debt, or on
the case, for money had and received, by and in the
name of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.
Location in Wards
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the Governor and
Council, in the commissions to the aldermen respect-
ively, shall designate the particular ward of the city
of Baltimore, in which such alderman shall hold his
place of official business, and it shall he the duty of
such alderman accordingly, to hold his place of busi-
Approval of Mayor
ness aforesaid, in such designated ward; Provided how-
and City Council to this act requir-
ever, that this act shall not go into effect, unless at the
present or the next annual session, or any intermedi-
ate session of the City Council of Baltimore, this act
shall he approved by the Mayor and City Council of
On Aldermen qual-
Baltimore, and so soon after such approval as the Go-
ifying commis-sions of Justices
vernor and Council shall appoint the aldermen, and
of Peace expire
they shall qualify as directed by this act, the then ex-
isting commissions of the justices of the peace of the
city of Baltimore shall cease and have no effect; and
Authority to in
provided further, that the Mayor and City Council of
create lees
Baltimore, may after such approval, at any time du-
ring the continuance of this act, increase the amount
of the fees respectively chargeable by said aldermen,
by an addition thereto of not more than twenty-five per
centum of the amounts aforesaid, if it shall appear to
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, necessary
to make such increase in order to supply the funds ne-
cessary for the salaries of said aldermen.
Passed May 24, 1836
An act to authorise the exchange of certain Real Estate
of John Walsh, in the city of Baltimore, and other
exchanges in like cases.
On application if
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembjy of
to advantage, ex-change authorised
Maryland, That upon application and proceedings
thereon, in manner as is prescribed in cases of sales
of Infants' Estates, to the Court of Chancery, or to
Baltimore County Court, as a Court of Equity, it shall
and may be lawful for said court, if it shall find the