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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 643   View pdf image (33K)
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liver and pay to the directors so elected, the subscrip-

CHAP. 363

tion book or books certified by a majority of the com-


missioners, and the money received from subscribers


to the stock, deducting all expenses by them incurred


in performing their duties as commissioners, cither


previous to, or after the passage of this act.


SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That when two thousand


shares of the capital slock shall be subscribed as afore-


said, the subscribers as holders of the said stock, their


successors and assigns, shall be and they are hereby


incorporated by the name of the Cumberland Hotel


Company in Cumberland, and by that name shall be


capable in law of purchasing, holding, improving,

Corporate powers

selling and leasing lands, conveying estates, real, per-


sonal and mixed, and buying, using and selling per-


sonal property, effects, rights and privileges so far as


shall be necessary to obtain one or more lots of ground,


and the erection of one or more, and not exceeding a


Hotel, in the town of Cumberland, in Allegany county,


with proper and sufficient out nouses and every neces-


sary appurtenance to each, and furnishing such hotel


with every proper and necessary articles to fit them


respectively for use and occupation as a hotel, and by


the said corporate name shall have perpetual succes-


sion, and may sue and be sued, plead, answer and de-


fend, and have and use a common seal, and the same


may alter and renew, and shall have, enjoy, and may


exercise all the powers, rights and privileges incident


to a corporation, as other corporate bodies have and


may lawfully exercise for the purposes and in the man-


ner mentioned in this act; and the service of legal pro-


cess on the president or any director, shall be sufficient


service on the corporation.


SEC. 3, And be it enacted, That there shall be an

Annual meeting

annual meeting of the stockholders on the fourth Mon-


day in May at such place in Cumberland as the board


of directors shall appoint, at which, before such judges

Election of direc-


as shall have been appointed agreeably to a resolution


or by-law of the directors, nine directors shall be


elected by the stockholders present in person or by


proxy, voting by ballot, one vote for each share of

Votes rated

»tock on which all instalments due shall have been


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 643   View pdf image (33K)
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