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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 644   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 363

paid, which shall also he the rule for voting at all


meetings of the stockholders for any purpose; the board


of directors so elected shall be stockholders, and any


of them on ceasing to be a stockholder shall also cease


to be a director; they shall annually elect from their


own body a president of the company, and may fill


any vacancy in the office of president or director by an


appointment which shall continue to the end of the year


or to the time of a new general election; all elections

Case of omission

which are by this act, or shall be by any by-law of the


company required to be held on a particular day, may


be held on such subsequent day as the directors in of-


fice shall appoint, of which, and of all elections and

Notice required

meetings of the stockholders, ten days' notice shall he


given in two or more daily newspapers published in


Allegany county, the city of Baltimore, and the city of


Washington, and the omission to elect directors shall


not cause a dissolution of the corporation, but in case


of such omission and the neglect of the directors, for


more than thirty days after the time appointed for the


annual meeting, to give notice of the appointment of a


day to hold a general meeting of the stockholders for


the purpose of electing directors, or for any other pur-


poses, such appointment may be made and notice given


by any three of the stockholders, and any election of


directors made by the stockholders at a meeting so ap-


pointed, shall be as valid as if made on the day ap-


pointed for the annual meeting.

Powers of the Di-

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the directors of the


said company or a majority them, with or without the


President, when met as a board, shall have full power


to appoint and employ, and in their discretion to re-


move from office and dismiss all such officers, agents,


artisans, mechanics, labourers and servants, whatever,


as they shall deem necessary to transact and execute


the business of the corporation, fix their compensation,


and when deemed necessary require security for the


faithful discharge of their duties, or the execution of


any contract; to contract for, purchase, rent or hire, all


such lands, buildings, chattels, materials, rights, pri-


vileges and effects, and erect all such houses and struc-


tures as they shall deem necessary or find convenient


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 644   View pdf image (33K)
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