six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually out of
CHAP. 351.
Directiions respect-
the tabacco inspection fund, which stock sliall be made
redeemable at the pleasure of the State at any time
after such time as the premium for which the stock
shall sell, and the revenue arising from that portion
of the State's wharves attached to the warehouse lots,
by investment and reinvestment, shall produce a sum
sufficient to pay the principle, and when the said sum
of thirty thousand dollars sliall be so raised it shall be
placed to the credit of the tobacco inspection fund.
Executive author-ised to draw tor
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Governor and
Council are hereby authorised and required to draw
on the Treasurer of the Western Shore, at such time
and for such sums as may be necessary to enable them
to carry into effect the object of the first section of this
Payment directed
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of
the Western Shore be, and he is hereby authorised and
required to pay to the order of the Governor and Coun-
cil, such sums as they may from time to time draw up-
on him for, to enable them to accomplish the object of
this bill.
Passed May 26, 1836
An act relating to the several Schools, Academies, and
Colleges, receiving donations in this State.
Report to Treasu-
SECTION 1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
rer W. Shore
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this
act, the trustees or other person or persons, or bodies
corporate of the several schools, academies, and col-
leges in this State, which receive donations from this
State, shall, and it shall be their duty to report to the
Treasurer of the Western Shore, on or before the
twentieth day of January in each and every year, an
accurate account of the proceedings, together with the
situation of their several institutions.
In case of neglect
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all trustees or other
person or persons, or Bodies corporate of the several
schools, academies, and colleges, as aforesaid, who