to report without delay to the State wharfingers the
CHAP. 350,
quantity of lumber winch may at any time hereafter
he landed upon any of the States wharves, and that the
State wharfinger, be, and he is hereby authorised and
required to exact and collect for wharfage thereon, ten
cents for every thousand feet superficial.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the State wharfin-
Wharves to be pav-
ger, be and he is hereby authorised and required to
ed, &c.
cause the public wharves in front of the States Tobac-
co Inspection Houses, to be graduated and paved at
the expense of the State.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That an additional com-
Wharfingers salary
pensation of two hundred and fifty dollars per annum,
shall, from and after the passage of this act, be allow-
ed and paid to the State's wharfinger.
An, act to authorise the Governor and Council to build a
Passed May 29,1836
new Tobacco Inspection Warehouse, in the city of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Estimates and con-
Maryland, That the Governor and Council he, and they
are hereby authorised and required to contract for, or
cause to be erected in any manner an they may deem
best, a new warehouse on a vacant lot adjoining the
State's Tobacco Inspection number three,
upon the plan and of the dimensions proposed in a plan
and estimates made out by a building mechanic in the
city of Baltimore, for the committee who visited that
place in March last for the investigation of this subject;
they are also authorised and required to contract for
and purchase a lot of land adjoining the above vacant
lot as proposed and recommended by the said visiting
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of
Loan authorised
the Western Shore is hereby authorised and required
to negotiate a loan of thirty thousand dollars on the
best terms he can, on the credit of the State, by dis-
posing of the stock of the State, bearing an interest of