may refuse or neglect, after having been required so to
CHAP. 352.
do, to comply with the requisitions of the act of As-
sembly, passed at December Session, eighteen hundred
and thirty-three, chapter one hundred and forty-one,
requiring said institutions to educate and furnish
books to at least one poor child for each hundred dol-
lars received, then in that case, the Treasurer of the
Western Shore is authorised, and it shall be hit. duty
to withhold said donation until the requisitions of said
act shall he complied with.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of the
To transmit report
Western Shore is hereby required to transmit all such
reports to the Legislature, during the month of Janua-
ry annually, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
An act for the relief of sundry Poor Persons in the
Passed May 27,18360
several counties therein mentioned.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Levy authorised
Maryland, That the levy court or county commission-
ers, as the case may be, of Harford, Prince Georges,
Montgomery, Queen Ann's, Worcester and Cecil coun-
ties, be and they are hereby severally authorised, di-
rected and empowered at their next annual meeting so
long as they shall see cause at their discretion, except
otherwise directed by this act, to levy and assess on
the assessable property of said counties, for the use of
the several persons hereafter mentioned, any sum of
money, not exceeding the several sums annexed to
their respective names, viz: in Harford county to Isaac
On Harford county
Davis, twenty dollars, to Mary Harris, thirty dollars,
to Noble Rider, twenty-five dollars, to Mary Carty,
thirty dollars, Payable to George Wareham, to Reubin
Forwood, thirty dollars, to Benjamin Magness, for
the use of an infant child of James Magness, fifteen
dollars, to Mary Ewing twenty dollars, to Dennis
Hitchcock, payable to John Ayres, thirty dollars, to
Honor Pritchard, twenty-five dollars, and the commis-
sioners are hereby required to levy the same; in Prince